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Today's Labor Force

Number Of Jobs Held

From 1978 to 2002, Americans aged eighteen to thirty-eight years of age had held an average of 10.2 different jobs. Men had held 10.4 jobs on average, and women had held 9.9 jobs. Those who eventually obtained college degrees usually worked at more places between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two (4.6 jobs for men, 5.4 jobs for women) than those of the same ages who graduated from high school but did not attend college (4.5 jobs for men, 3.8 jobs for women). (See Table 1.23.) This may reflect the historical fact that college students tend to obtain summer employment and even part-time jobs during the academic year.

At older ages, the number of jobs did not vary much by education. For example, among workers between the ages of thirty-three and thirty-eight, the number of jobs held by men who graduated high school but did not attend college was the same as college graduates (2.4). Women high school graduates held 2.5 jobs, as compared with only slightly fewer (2.2) held by college graduates TABLE 1.11 Employment status of mothers with children under 3 years old by age of youngest child and marital status, 2003–04 "Table 6. Employment Status of Mothers with Own Children under 3 Years Old by Single Year of Age of Youngest Child and Marital Status, 2003–04 Annual Averages," in Employment Characteristics of Families in 2004, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 9, 2005, http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/famee.pdf (accessed January 9, 2006)during that age period. These figures may reflect the attainment of more stable jobs at the older ages. (See Table 1.23.)

TABLE 1.11
Employment status of mothers with children under 3 years old by age of youngest child and marital status, 2003–04
[Numbers in thousands]
Civilian noninsitutional population Civilian labor force
Total Percent of population Employed Unemployed
Total Percent of population Full-time workersa Part time workersb Number Percent of labor force
Note: Own children include sons, daughters, step-children, and adopted children. Not included are nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and other related and unrelated children. Detail may not sum to total due to rounding.
aUsually work 35 hours or more a week at all jobs.
bUsually work less than 35 hours a week at all jobs.
cIncludes never-married, divorced, separated, and widowed persons.
SOURCE: "Table 6. Employment Status of Mothers with Own Children under 3 Years Old by Single Year of Age of Youngest Child and Marital Status, 2003–04 Annual Averages," in Employment Characteristics of Families in 2004, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 9, 2005, http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/famee.pdf (accessed January 9, 2006)
    Total mothers
With own children under 3 years old 9,450 5,563 58.9 5,115 54.1 3,430 1,685 446 8.0
    2 years 2,987 1,896 63.5 1,752 58.7 1,205 547 143 7.5
    1 year 3,353 1,997 59.6 1,842 54.9 1,223 619 154 7.7
    Under 1 years 3.110 1,670 53.7 1,521 48.9 1,002 519 149 8.9
Married, spouse present
With own children under 3 years old 7,165 4,068 56.8 3,872 54.0 2,529 1,342 197 4.8
    2 years 2,243 1,350 60.2 1,281 57.1 853 428 69 5.1
    1 year 2,541 1,458 57.4 1,395 54.9 906 488 64 4.4
    Under 1 year 2,381 1,260 52.9 1,196 50.2 770 426 64 5.1
Other marital statusc
With own children under 3 years old 2,287 1,495 65.4 1,244 54.4 902 341 250 16.7
    2 years 744 546 73.4 471 63.3 352 118 75 13.7
    1 year 813 539 66.3 448 55.1 317 131 91 16.9
    Under 1 year 730 410 56.2 325 44.5 233 92 84 20.5
    Total mothers
With own children under 3 years old 9,345 5,377 57.5 4,964 53.1 3,360 1,604 414 7.7
    2 years 2,813 1,746 62.1 1,630 57.9 1,152 477 116 6.6
    1 year 3,273 1,906 58.2 1,759 53.7 1,172 587 147 7.7
    Under 1 year 3,259 1,725 52.9 1,575 48.3 1,035 540 151 8.7
Married, spouse present
With own children under 3 years old 7,071 3,910 55.3 3,740 52.9 2,513 1,227 170 4.4
    2 years 2,111 1,246 59.0 1,200 56.8 839 361 46 3.7
    1 year 2,519 1,401 55.6 1,337 53.1 877 459 65 4.6
    Under 1 year 2,441 1,262 51.7 1,203 49.3 797 406 59 4.7
Other marital statusc
With own children under 3 years old 2,274 1,467 64.5 1,224 53.8 847 377 243 16.6
    2 years 702 499 71.1 430 61.2 314 116 70 13.9
    1 year 754 505 66.9 422 56.0 295 127 82 16.3
    Under 1 year 818 463 56.6 372 45.4 238 134 91 19.7

Additional topics

Jobs and Career OpportunitiesCareers and Occupations: Looking to the FutureToday's Labor Force - Gender, Age, Race, And Ethnic Origin, Education, Families, The Working Poor